its very sad.  but also complicated I guess. blind & deaf, & mentally
retarded is pretty bad.  & spasticity cud be quite painful in HER case.
Psychological depression  (etc., etc.), caused or exasorbated by this
situation could make somebody do something like this.  Quite possibly, the
only way her mother cud make life bareable 4 this woman, is 2 have an
incredible amount of money.  (I mean, WE’RE all not going down there to
spend the next 50 years constantly hugging this person & helping with
feeding dressing etc., Are we?!)  (Someone who can’t hear or see, or
communicate mite need almost constant affection 2 ease the pain created by a
mind that doesn’t function properly either.)  I’m thinking if this happened
in the U S, it wud even b worse 4 them.

The doctor’s not at fault.  I don’t believe in “fault” & blame, anyway.  But
certain religious attitudes sometimes cause people to be born wen maybe it
wud b better 4 there 2 b an abortion.

This IS a very severe disability.  We don’t know all the details.  if this
disabled woman isn’t in pain, (psychological or physical), then at least SHE
can get thru this yucky existance.  But it seems like her mother has severe

Its horrible.

I mean, some families r able2 handle this stuff, almost no matter how
severe.  but others cant.  & wen people r pushed beyond a certain point,
they crack.  som strike out, even at “innocent” people around them.

My mother was depressed.  the worst thing that could’ve happened2 her, was
to hav her husband die, & 2 b left with a disabled child & no money!!!!!!!!!
    She acted a little like a pregnant zebra being chased by a loin!  An
animal will spontainiously abort, in order 2 save itself.  then have another
baby in the future.

My mothers world was 2 tuff 4 her so I suspect, unconsciously she tried 2
destroy MEE by turning on me & blaming me 4 my condition.  I remember being
a little kid, wondering how long she wud live!

I didn’t break off contact with my mother til she dissed my girlfriend.  I
was 44 at the time!  :(  “You’re bringing a paralyzed woman home?  Don’t
make me laugh!”

I grew up with deformity & disability but with almost no support.  So wen I
hear about things like this, it gets to me.


>From: Magenta Raine <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: This Bothers Me - A *Lot*
>Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:53:03 -0800
>Make that three... the doc could be wrong on other counts, but nothing is
>guaranteed in this life. I feel sorry for her.
>[log in to unmask]
>"What is real but compassion, as we move from birth to death?"
>~~Greg Brown~~
> > [Original Message]
> > From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: <[log in to unmask]>
> > Date: 11/17/2005 8:24:29 PM
> > Subject: Re: This Bothers Me - A *Lot*
> >
> > i agree with you, kat. this is disturbing at many
> > levels.
> >
> > --- "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Rayna, do you know anything about this case? She
> > > seems to be in Sydney.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > This bothers me on so many levels, I can't even
> > > begin.
> > >
> > > Kat
> > >
> > >
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> >
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