It is in the new regarding taxes.  Pay unto Cesars what is him and unto God what is his.
When Christians worship here on earth, the hosts of Heaven are worshiping with them.

Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> I am not against giving, I just think it should be responsible, I have
> heard people say you should forget your car payment, after all, what did you
> love more? Your car, or the Lord,
> I have always wondered about the 10% thing anyway, wasn't that from the Old
> Testament and a part of the law. If Christ came that we might be free from
> the law, why this figure? Wouldn't it be better to simply ask God, and give
> what you feel He says? I have a friend, she and her husband are soo certain
> that they must give at least 10% they will give it, even when that means
> they only have $25 for food for a week. Is that what God wants? Their
> thing is if they are doing what they feel God wants He will take care of
> them. But my question to them, (and mind you, it makes them sort of angry)
> is who said you should always give 10% no mater what? Was it God or your
> pastor? It's almost as though they are paying God off, sort of like one
> would pay off the mophia for protection? Is that the kind of God we serve?
> So now that I've stired up a lot of brouble, I'll go!!!
> Rhonda