Amen Rhonda, if we give because we think we have to and not out of love.  I do not think God is blessed by it.  God loves a cheerful giver.  And that does not give erresponsibley.  I know people who give big amounts just so they can get blessed it don't work that way either.

When Christians worship here on earth, the hosts of Heaven are worshiping with them.

Karen Carter '74


-------------- Original message --------------

> No, I do agree, giving is a response, out of what we've been given, not a
> duty, a have-to sort of thing, not I'd better or else. We love God because
> He loved us first, it's not a "Love Me or else" kind of thing, what kind of
> love would that be? God loves a cheerful giver, not a forced one!
> I realize that giving is a part of God's nature, and so a part of ours too!
> Rhonda