Ramadan is a holy month that is believed that the gates of hell are closed so may Allah grant them both Jannah

From:  Ginny Quick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To:  The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Subject:  Re: NIGERIAN PLANE CRASH/ Pa Nderry this is really sad!
Date:  Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:12:35 -0500
>Hello, Mashallah, what a touching post!  Inna Lillahi wa Inna alaihi
>raji'un indeed.
>On 10/24/05, Last-Card <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Last-Card <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Well...it is as if some'n was urging me to browse through the net at this
> > hour! Immediately after coming on line I saw this shocking and very very sad
> > news!
> >
> > Shiriff Conteh?! This man means so much to many Gambians home and abroad as
> > far as banking and helping manage family matters back home is concerned.I
> > cannot stop my eyelids from being soaked with tears.Oh Shiriff! This guy was
> > an angel and a good person.He loved humanbeings.Shiriff has been there for
> > anyone and everyone.He helped people manage their funds with keen interest
> > and an open mind.I remember when he was picked up by the NIA during the Baba
> > Jobe case,he never became angry about it.At anytime one called Shiriff he
> > was laughing.Oh God! I can still remember his voice echoeing on the phone
> > with these words..."Ndokey kana hawjah Allah bijey" meaning-"My little
> > brother never rush,Allah is there"
> >
> > Sure Shiriff was a good man.He lost his mother just few months ago! He loved
> > her so much and did all he could to make her happy on earth.Her demise
> > shocked him so much so that he went on leave after she died.Words are oozing
> > from my memory like a spring in a mountain.Allah! you are the best and the
> > strongest. Please Yaa Rabbi receive Shiriff and his colleague Mr Njie in
> > ALJANNAH! Please I beg you Allah do that for us as Gambians who have lost
> > two great men.This is indeed a tragic end.
> >
> > However,as it is clearly stated in the holy Qur'an:"KULLUH NAFS ZAA IQUA TUL
> > MAWTI" Sure "Every soul shall taste death".We have hope because this
> > happened in a very holy month.This ;part of Ramadan is full of mercy as
> > well.It is also believed that  the sacred night of LAYLA TUL QUADR is
> > "hidden with special powers" during the last 10 days.May Allah receive these
> > souls with the total significance of this sacred night.May HE receive them
> > with the meaning of the verse:"Min Kulli Amnr Salaamun hiya hataa
> > mathalla'il fajr".We bow before you Allah please shower your kindness on
> > these souls.I have lost a brother and a friend.Gambians have lost good
> > sons.
> >
> > Allah knows better than we do anyway and we remember when HE says the
> > following from HIS HIGH THRONE:"Innaa Lillaah wa inna ileyhi
> > raaji'oon"-meaning "You are from Allah and you will return to Him".
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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> >
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