On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 07:22:47 -0400, Pamela S. Follett
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I'm not sure if I passed this along before, but I was recently informed
>that people are starting to put those solar sidewalk stakes by
>tombstones.  Must be they don't want the ghosts/zombies/possessed to
>stub their toes whilst traipsing through the graveyard.

Pam, this light thing is so primal, people don't even seem to understand how
afraid they are of the dark. Me, I like the dark, that's why I like caves.
(NOT mines though - man made and dangerous!) I take groups of people thru
the woods at night as part of our activities here, and even though the moon
is out, we are on an old loggi
ng road, and it is practically light as day,
they still insist on turning on all their flashlights, huddling together as
we go, talking too loud...

We have many many old overgrown and forgotten family cemeteries in this part
of KY, on the mountainsides at the old homeplaces. Most have 6 or 7 stones,
and you can stumble on them just about anytime you go out walking. There are
log ruins scattered across the hills, old stone fences crumbled into the
briars, traces of roads in the ravines. The unmarked cabin where Jessie
James spent his early years in Pulaski County is labelled a ruin with no
historical value by the KyTC and scheduled to be crossed by Interstate 66 in
the near future. It is eerie to think that the whole landscape is in a
sense, a boneyard of unrecognized past lives and times based on timber,
coal, and railroads, that will never be again.

Michael, it's good that you have a healthy respect for
the ghosts.  ;)  They
know that and that is why they let you see them.


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