Looks bad for our hero.  But could be worse.
-----Original Message-----
From: Met History <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 07:35:44 EDT
Subject: [BP] Nightmare

Caught in some arid wasteland by angry Mujadeen.  Trussed with chains, then wrapped in green canvas, with only a slit for my eyes.   Stacked like cordwood with other prisoners, awaiting transport to ... execution?  Ransom?  Torture?   I am the last to be loaded onto a rickety flatbed.  

A grizzled footsoldier - the type of would stone an adulteress or demand his conjugal rights from an 11 year old bride - is distracted from heaving me onto the truck, and jumps into the cab, forgetting the last bundle.   The motor roars, and grimy exhaust spews in my face, as I am left behind, lying on the desert floor, the sun just rising over the far hills.