On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 10:30:06 -0400, joseph marty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I have been following this thread since the beginning.  I still stick by my first response that if you are not getting a POST screen and beeps, your power supply is working, and your monitor is alive, there is no question in my mind that your mobo is toast.
>Venkat Viswanathan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>gregory Moyer's post of September 16, 2005 2:20 PM
>><<<< Power supply is working, I do not get any post beeps, floppy does not light,replaced floppy light stays on all the time, Thought I had cabel reversed this did not help.>>>>
>>could you be having a video/monitor problem because in your 1st post Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:41:59 -0500
>><<< monitor black with flashing cursor.>>>>
>>(1)the normal is a blue screen known as BSOD. is your monitor light on? but then since you are not getting any beep at all possibly this is ruled out but still worth checking
>>(2) are you in a position to swap your hdd to another working m/c as suggested by Ami Ledford?
>>(3)If this also does not work then you will have to check your motherboard/cpu
>>and now I am more inclined towards these two being the cause.
>>(4) how old is the system and can you provide some details of the motherboard?
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Yes, you are correct I found out the mobo is toast.

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