September 12, 2005
Gambia's Independent Electoral Commission should be disbanded in the
interest of free and fair elections. The current IEC set up under the
Chairmanship of Ndondeh Njie, is not credible the least. It is not capable
of conducting free, fair and transparent elections.

The new IEC set up had not hidden its support for the Ruling government.
This is confirmed by their bogus statements calculated to baffle Gambians on
the pending by elections. IEC had the guts to remind NADD flag bearers, in
the upcoming by elections to comply with an electoral decree, which required
them to notify the electoral body about their intentions of abandoning their
respective political parties. The same IEC is aiding and abetting the APRC
in their "clandestine" mass voter transfers in opposition strongholds across
the country.

It is time for the IEC to tell Gambians where they stand. One thing Mr. Njie
and his colleagues should realise is that the future of The Gambia lies in
the hands of the IEC. Any attempts to mess up with the electoral process
this time round, will be greeted with strong resistance by the civil
populace. Your boss dictator Yahya Jammeh, is aware of the growing
discontent among the civil populace. Our editorial is not intended to scare
you in anyway. We are just being frank.

The political field is not level at all. While APRC'S self styled "griot"
Yankuba Touray, FJC and others are abusing the National Radio and
Television, the IEC is silence about the state's failure to allow the
opposition to have access to the public media. This is a gross violation of
the so called Electoral decree, which you had been quoting time and time.

It is our contention that the by elections had been rigged in advance. The
IEC will no doubt declare the Ruling government candidates victorious come
September 29Th 2005. The said victory belongs to NADD. It had been hijacked
by the IEC. We are not being pessimistic in anyway. We are just analysing
the current political climate, which seems to be in APRC'S favour.

The Independent Electoral Commission had not also issued any statement yet
to clarify recent news reports regarding vote buying activities allegedly
spearheaded by some Ruling APRC big wigs. It is the duty of the Commission
to investigate such reports and tell Gambians what their findings are. The
Commission is doing disservice to the Nation. It had woefully failed to meet
its constitutional responsibilities.

The PDOIS leadership had time and time exposes the electoral lapses of the
IEC. Their claims are supported by sound and valid constitutional arguments,
which the IEC cannot deny. Halifa and other folks have done their bid in
sensitising our ignorant IEC officials. It’s a disgrace that our electoral
body is being run by unprincipled individuals.

It's encouraging to learnt that the NADD leadership have decided to
challenge the mass voter transfers in the courts. This will help to
discredit the already shattered electoral process. We don't know the type of
"prayers" the litigants(s) are seeking in this case. It’s our contention
that a demand for fresh registration of voters in the Upper Saloum
constituency should hit the chart. Failure to do so, will cost NADD dearly
come September 29Th, 2005.

Our electoral register had been invaded by questionable voters. Unless these
faked voters are expunged from the register, there is no way that the
Opposition can win the pending by elections.

Electoral factors leading to the elections are not encouraging at all. There
is clear cut case of vote rigging in favour of the Ruling government.
Gambians have long been taken for a ride by the IEC. It's time to end this
electoral broad daylight stealing.

Legal remedy should be the first action to take to tackle such electoral
violations. If our courts fail us, then it’s a different story all together.
We expect the Supreme Court to dispense justice with fairness, irrespective
of one's political affiliation. The courts and The IEC are essential in any
true democracy. They direct the future of any country. If such institutions
are found to be corrupt and un-credible, then the future of that particular
country is gloomy. It's imperative therefore, for the said two institutions
to assert their Independence at all times.

The IEC had failed the test of time and its leadership should gracefully
resign from office. Mr. Njie and his cohorts should read our editorial with
an open mind. As Gambians, we cannot afford to see our country being wrecked
by "Jammeh's hand picked" electoral staff. We will continue to speak out
against this corrupt and useless institution. The IEC had been reduced to
Yahya's personal property. He randomly hires and fire its officials with
contempt. The IEC should be disbanded in the interest of justice and fair
play. We rest our case.

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