Ms. Jallow:

Your contrasting views on Yaya and His Lordship Darboe are well noted, but as a layman in the interpretation and analysis of the law, I am curious to know how and to whom the law is applied.   Even as the president, is he (Yaya) not accorded the same rights to free speech just like anyone else, and should  he not be able to say what he felt about the rulings of the justices be in favour of, or against it.

Furthmore, I would like to think that these issues of the 3M, Phd, and JD that tend to come up again and again on the forum about Ebou are major distractions from what we need to be discussing.  Only God knows best, and if Mr Jallow took that money from poor Gambians and thinks he can get away with it, he needs to think again.  Or if he thought he can impress people by claiming to be what he is not, he is fooling himself.  But for now and forever, bringing that up serves us no purpose.  We can only make a better Gambia, by engaging ourselves in fruitful discussions and exchange of ideas addressing the Gambia's problem.  What Sam and Pat did yesterday, and more unfortunately, spending time fighting about it is not what we need now.

Let's move on, and remember Allah will hold us accountable for our deeds.


From:  Fatoumatta Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To:  The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Date:  Sun, 18 Sep 2005 20:18:32 +0100
>If you did read his interview, he said the justices are not mercenary judges because they have ruled in cases against the government which is right. He being a leading barrister in the gambia, it would have been seen otherwise for him to critisize justices like that. That shows how tolerant he is unlike the president who went on national television critisizing the justuces because the ruling was not on his favour.
>You also said Darboe is a liar, but look here kettle calling pot black. Did you forget about the wade-ebou destabiling the Gambia, stealing $3m from Gambians, PhD you doing, etc etc etc.. Please don't think all people are like you because everybody knows you to be a liar because there are no independent sources to corroborate your stories. I only guess you short your mouth and be the last to speak because no body take heed of what you say.
>Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>You assumed right Cynthia. Darboe knew that NADD as an alliance has wrecked itself the moment they decided to register their association with the IEC. Did you listen to his recent interview...saying that he effectively agrees with the Supreme Court decision. He was the very one representing NADD in that litigation. Darboe is a terrible liar/ a con artist and the sooner the Gambians know this the better. The man is very power hungry, and no wonder the NADD leadership never trusted him.
>Cynthia Daniels wrote:
>Am I correct to assume there are some people who are agreeing with you in private. I read that article and he is being illusive about his position. He is not a member of NADD, this is clear by his statement.
>Ebou Jallow
>What I said is the absolute truth: Ousainou himself is NOT a member of the political party called NADD. So far the only known members of NADD are Halifa,Sidia, Hamat, and Kemeseng all of whom have resigned their individual memberships from PDOIS, NRP, and UDP respectively. UDP as a party is in alliance with another political party i.e. NADD, and Mr. Darboe has been constantly vague about this distinction. This is why some NADD executive members,according to the Observer and Point, called him a traitor who is committing political suicide.
>Let me break it down again:
>1. UDP is only in alliance with another political party called NADD. It is not "part and parcel" of NADD.
>2. Mr Ousainou Darboe is not a member of the political party called NADD.
>Sanusi Owens wrote:
>You have been making some false claims about Ousainou Darboe and that is what worries me most.
>Perhaps you read this:
>UDP Part and Parcel of NADD - Darboe Reaffirms
>August 21, 2005
>As the Gambian political temperature rise to levels unprecedented, with the recent report by the pro APRC newspaper, Daily Observer, that the main opposition party in the Gambia UDP has opted out of the coalition, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe the Secretary General of the United Democratic Party UDP has emphatically clarified to Gambian New Yorkers yesterday that "we are part and parcel of NADD."
>Lawyer Darboe, who was on a private visit in the US told the thunderous audience that "as the leader of the UDP he sees total unanimity of objective between the UDP and NADD saying whatever I say of the United Democratic Party, it should be considered as true also within the objectives of NADD, if our objectives deferred, certainly we wouldn't have been part of NADD."
>The leading human rights lawyer cum politician told the gathering that NADD is more than united today than ever before and reaffirmed their determination to flush the despotic Jammeh regime come the 2006 polls. Lawyer Darboe vehemently rubbishes such propaganda campaign peddled by certain individuals bent on undermining the existence of NADD.
>The UDP leader hinted that NADD is on the right course and come rain come shine there is nothing that can shake their alliance. Exposing the totalitarian nature of Jammeh's regime, Mr. Darboe told the gathering that the eleven years Jammeh rule was characterised by gross human rights violations and misplaced economic policies.
>"Since July 1994, the economy of the Gambia has been stagnant some of the factors responsible for it are endemic corruption, indiscipline, indifferent and the insensitivity of those in power." The former UDP flag bearer argued.
>In a rather frank and candid statement, Darboe argued that the amount of corruption and maladministration today in The Gambia, never existed in the history of the tiny West African country.
>Darboe believes that corruption is more rampant in The Gambia today than what the APRC regime claims obtained under Jawara's rule. "Although the Jawara government was chastised for been corrupt but it was rare in those days to hear of D50,000 going missing. But it is a very common place now to hear of D10 million getting missing." Mr. Darboe charged.
>He then went on to cite the much talked about Paul Commission, which its findings, he says is gathering dust at the State House. Mr. Darboe lamented at the blatant contradictions displayed by the Jammeh government in the setting up of the Commission, but refused to follow its recommendations.
>Mr. Darboe said there are indeed sacred cows, as officials such as Yankuba Touray who were indicted for corruption are walking scot free in the streets of Banjul. "WE have seen example when the Paul Commission indicted SOS Yankuba Touray and found him liable to the Gambian tax payers to the sum of D2 million. It is the finding by a duly established commission established under section 210 0f the constitution to probe into the activities of public officers. Barely three month after the release of that report, ordering him to pay back to the state D2 million, Yahya Jammeh surprisingly reappointed him the SoS in charge of the portfolio to be responsible for the life of The Gambians, what a contradiction." Mr. Darboe posited.
>While further exposing the current injustices and maladministration taking place in The Gambia, Darboe said justice should be meted out to all without fear or favour. He continued "the former majority leader have been found liable for several million of dalasis, more than D90 millions revenues."
>In addition Darboe went on "I have been personally privy to a document showing not less than 78 mitsubihi pick ups bought by the former majority leader and some of them were used in the last election. some of them are given out to so called grand marabouts. I have documents showing how the millennium Airline was been used to syphoned funds to meet the president's and his wife's travel expenses."
>Darboe noted that these are the people who have assigned themselves the role of a Messiah, to rescue Gambia from the decadence in the Gambia in the pre-1994. He accused the APRC government of conniving and stealing D240 million from the Central Bank for their personal use. "You just take out one person and deal with him and leave the rest there. The corruption will continue unabated." he tersely argued.
>Mr. Darboe maintained his accusation that Jammeh is interfering with the work of the Independent Electoral Commission. Commenting on the current constitutional crisis taking place in The Gambia, Darboe urged "Gambians in the diaspora not to limit themselves on the Internet debate, but to help to fight its illegality by hiring lawyers not resident in The Gambia but can operate in The Gambian courts."
>He also mentioned the draconian media laws enacted by the current administration, as an example of the this government's atrocities directed towards the independent media.
>Ebou Jallow
>Sanusi Owens,
>You are completely confused about NADD, and I do not blame you. I have explained all the implications of the Supreme Court decision very thoroughly in my earlier postings. Interesting enough it seems like NADD had taken note and now decided to revisit their MOU and draw a new party constitution without informing the public. In other words they (Halifa, Hamat, Kemeseng and Sidia) have now chosen to legitimize NADD as a political party distinct from PDOIS, NRP, NDAM and UDP as shown in the following:
>"Their original parties have agreed to forge an alliance with NADD under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding after making a clear line of demarcation between the
>executives of the original parties and that of NADD"
>This is what they should have done in the first place. However, their collective shortsightedness and incompetence led them into registering an association which was only supposed to be an alliance instead of a political party. Thus they end up losing their seats at the NA, and created a party out of foolish pride in order to save face. After all the media reports earlier (by Observer and Point) were absolutely true that NADD is in disarray, and Mr. Darboe/UDP are not members of NADD as a political party. UDP can still sponsor there own candidate, Ousainou Darboe for the presidential elections next year.
>Ebou Jallow
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