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Dear ListServe Friends,
Thanks so much for the many amazing, delicious recipes for kids! For two weeks steady recipes have been arriving! Finally... a yummy summary. Enjoy!
Warmly, Lisa in Michigan

Marshmallow Treats
Recipe I: One of the easiest treats is to make marshmallow treats (similar to rice crispy treats) using fruitty pebbles or cocoa pebbles (both cereals are GF).  Then cut them up using cute designs with cookie cutters in different shapes.  On  special occassions you can even decorate them with GF sprinkles, frosting or candies.

Recipe II: I get gf rice krispie cereal and make rice krispie treats.  You can add
choclate chips or m&m's to decorate or colored sugar.  Also, you could make
a recipe of gf sugar cookies and let the kids cut the shapes and decorate
them after they are baked.  This is more trouble.

Rice Crispy Treats (without the stove) -- Dairy-Free
About 8 cups of any GF cereal (we like Panda Puffs - but any cereal will do)
About 1 cup marshmallow fluff
About 2 tbsp oil or melted butter/margarine
Mix all together in a big bowl or disposable pan. Then, you can make fun
shapes out of it (like snowmen) or make a big flat thing to cut shapes out of.

Dipping Pretzels
We use the Ener-G pretzels, and Wilton's candy melts. We have done different colors for holidays, and drizzled them with a contrasting color.We melt the
candies in the microwave and then put the bowl on a heating pad on the
kitchen table. No double boiler to hurt anyone, and everyone can reach.

Popcorn is another favorite, I add some sugar to the oil, or we have
some flavorings from Back to Basics. We have also made caramel corn, or
popcorn balls.

1 egg
1/2c sugar
1T oil
3/8c buttermilk
1 3/4c all purpose GF flour (I use Bob's)
1 3/4t xanthan gum
1t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1/4 t salt
scant 1/4 t nutmeg
scant 1/4 t cinnamon
Beat egg, add sugar and oil, buttermilk. mix together and add dry ingredients.
fry 370-380 degrees.
Drop by teaspoons as donut holes into my electric skillet, about 6 at a time
so as to maintain the temp. While still warm i shake them in a paper bag with

Monkey Cake
2 ½ cups Bob's Red Mill Wheat Free Biscuit Mix (gluten free)
½ cup butter melted
3/4 cup milk (I used skim)
Mixture #1
1/3 cup sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
Mixture #2
½ cup sugar
¾ cup butter (6 tbsp)
Mix mixture #1 in bowl or baggie; set aside.
Melt butter in mixture #2 and stir in sugar.  Bring to a boil and boil two
to three minutes.  Set aside
Mix biscuit mix with melted butter until blended; stir in milk, mix until
blended.  Turn out on floured surface (waxed paper works well) and kneed a
few times.  Roll out (or press out with hands) about 3/8" thick and cut into
1 ½" squares.  Does not have to be exact as this only makes making the
monkey balls easier.  Roll into balls about 1" round.  Roll in mixture #1
and place in greased loaf pan.
Pour remaining sugar over monkey cake in loaf pan; pour mixture #2 over all
and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.  Turn out on plate immediately upon removing
from the oven.
Let cool at bit and enjoy.
My loaf pan measurers 4 ½ x 8 ½ top measure and 3 ½ x 7 ½ bottom measure.

Use Pamela's Mix --  use the brownie instructions and bake them in mini muffin tins and then ice them. Use GF canned icing (Dunkin Heines cake icing is GF, Betty Cocker is not)

Banana Pancake Treats
Just dip banana slices into gluten free pancake mix and cook like you would a regular pancake.  They are bite size, finger size and yummy.  We make ahuge batch, put in the refridgerator and they eat them straight out of there.  Yummy.

M&M Cookie Bars
Use GF chocolate, M&M's and Short Cake Ring
by Glutano (they are little round cookies. I melt the chocolate in the micro,
spoon it on the cookie and put a few M&M's on top. Chill and then enjoy!

Potato Spiders
1c chocolate bits
1c butterscotch bits
1c peanuts
1c potato sticks
Melt chocolate and butterscotch in microwave. Stir in peanuts and potato
sticks. Drop on waxed paper and let cool. Serve.

Mini Pizzas
On an almond nut thin, or other cracker of your choice, put a sprinkle of
mozzarella cheese, a pepperoni, a slice of black olive and some more cheese.
Microwave until cheese melts. We make large plates of these for meals.
They are great for traveling, too, since they can be made in a microwave.

Mini S'mores
On a GF cinnamon cracker, (We use the ones from Ener-G) layer several mini
marshmallows, a few chocolate chips and some more mini marshmallows.
Microwave until the marshmallows melt or soften. These are also easy to
travel with and eat if you have access to a microwave.

Mule Smiles
Cut a red apple into wedges. On one side of two different wedges smear
peanut butter. Add a row of mini marshmallows and then put the two wedges
together so they are layered: apple (peel side out), peanut butter,
marshmallows, peanut butter, apple (Peel side out). Using your imagination,
it looks like a mule's smile.

GF Graham Crackers with Sprinkles
GF graham crackers spread with gf cake frosting and sprinkles.

Jello Pudding
Jello pudding, mix as usual, fill a muffin tin, about 1/2 way, put in some crushed up GF cookies then cover the layer of cookie with more pudding.
You can also do this in a see through plastic cup.

'Girl Scout Thin Cookies'
ANY type of GF cracker,  double boiler if you have one, or just two sauce
pans, one slightly larger than the other, bottom pan 1/3 fill with water.
Take chocolate chips or peanut butter chips and melt them in the top pan,
above the boiling water in the bottom pan. Take a pair of tongs and dip the
crackers in the melted chocolate. Then place the chocolate covered crackers
on wax paper. You can dip, GF pretzels or popcorn or anything you can think
of. I have added a drop or 2 of peppermint extract (make sure GF) to the
chocolate and the chocolate covered crackers taste like Girl Scout Thin
Mint cookies.

GF Cupcakes
Cut cupcakes in half, width wise, scoop a small hole in
the center and fill with pudding, put "top" back on cupcake and ice them.

Gingerbread Men
My kids enjoy making and decorating gingerbread men using the recipe from
The Gluten Free Kitchen.

Peanut Butter Kisses
1 cup sugar
1 cup smooth peanut butter
Hersheys kisses
Mix first three ingredients.  Roll into little balls and press down with Hershey kiss in the middle. Back for about 5 minutes @ 350 degrees.

Peanut Butter / Oatmeal / Chocolate No-Bake Cookies
Cocoa: or carob, or you can skip it.  I use maybe 2 Tbsp
Sugar:  up to 1/4 cup, Honey can substitute
Liquid:  I used to use milk, now more often water, or if using honey I may
add no liquid.  If using sugar, maybe 2 Tbsp liquid
Fat:  It needs some to go with the cocoa.  About 2 Tbsp of butter or sesame
oil or coconut oil.
Boil the above together for 1 minute.  Remove from heat.
Stir in about 1/4 to 1/2 cup peanut butter or tahini or whatever else you
have like that.
Then stir in: dried unsweetened coconut (I prefer to put some of this in at
the beginning to really soften it, and then add the rest later), almond
meal, or of course, oatmeal if you can get the safe stuff.  I am sure there
are other possibilities.  I have rolled them in the bits from rice cakes
that were broken.  I would expect that stale GF bread crumbs would work too.
You may find that some GF cereals work in this recipe.
Keep adding dry ingredients till you can roll the product into balls with
your hands.  If you can't make balls, eat it with a spoon. Balls won;t form if you get the liquid level so high that it takes too much dry stuff and the flavor/sweetness will be too diluted.
The point of this recipe is that you or a kid can make it on the stovetop in
minutes.  It only makes a small amount so you can fiddle with it till you
find a combination that works for your ingredients.  Keep the liquid level
low if you want them to keep, using more fat or honey.

Recipe Attachments & Links
Quick Gluten Free Snack.doc

Recipes for Campers.doc

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