<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Has anyone had the experience of being labeled as having fasting
hyperglycemia?  My blood sugar levels are around 125-148 after fasting (12)
hours.  I have taken lab tests  that checked my blood sugar level for over
a three month period and they are always normal.  This  happened several
times.   My doctor then sent me to the lab to take a three hour glucose
tolerance testmy blood sugar at the  two hour point  was with in the normal
range 113.  There was also a urine test taken evey 1/2 hour along with the
glucose tolerance test and the levels were all normal.
My doctor sent me to a specialist. The specialist said I did not have
diabetes but may run the risk of developing diabetes one day.
I am of normal weight and I do exercise.  At the present time the doctors
are te
sting my blood sugar every three months and I also have a glucose
tolerance test every three months.
I was just wondering if anyone else has has a similar experience?
Once again the doctor stressed this is NOT diabetes so please refrain from
scolding me for not checking the archives since this is a bit different.

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