<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

hi everyone... first off I want to thank you all for being so kind,
understanding, and for an overwhelming amount of advice! Thank you so much.
It's so easy to get discouraged when you can't seem to find answers... but
after your emails I remember that, I am not alone and there is help out
there for me.
So here is, in summary, what you all suggested:

*almost all of you recommended to first see my doctor (which I already

*hypoglycemia (low blood sugar); this can be controlled with upping
protein, lowering carb intake in the diet and eating 5-6 small meals a day
rather than 3 big ones

*gut diasbosis/fungal problem- this is an imbalance in the GI tract due to
years of untreated cd

*panic attacks/anxiety (in regards to the shallow breathing)- try to calm
yourself down with deep breathing exercises, or try pilates/yoga to help
this too.... talk to someone about stress management, etc.

*sleep apnea (which is surprising, as I have never heard of this, yet a
number of you suggested I may have this)- as far as I understand, this is
aproblem in which you stop breathing a number of times during sleep- it can
cause heart problems, fatigue, high blood sugar, decreased oxygen levels,
etc, lightheadedness

*anemia/b-12 deficiency- a number suggested this, yet my hemoglobin was
fine in my last blood test and I have been taking iron as well as b
vitamins, but perhaps I need to "up" the dosage...
a number emailed and said they have been getting b-12 shots and that after
receiving them their fatigue decreased significantly

*adrenal exhaustion- adrenal exhaustion is not recognized until it reaches
what is known as Addisons Disease- a complete failure of the glands-
however this can be treated with supplements and stress reduction- "adrenal
stress-end" and "Phyto-Pharmica" or "Enzymatic Formula" were all
recommended.... also, check your thyroid levels!!! so many people
recommended this! hypothyroidism will often bring about a lot of dizziness,
high pulse, weight loss, etc.

*magnesium deficiency- (people with celiac or chronic fatigue are usually
in short supply of this) here is a webpage for more info:

*hidden gluten-- double check ALL food, vitamin, drink, etc sources....
also the environment you share with family, friends that don't have celiac
disease (ie towels, dishes, etc)

*cut down on yeast, soy, and eggs, and msg as these are also common

*Lupus/Graves/Diabetes- something to look into-- it is not uncommon to have
two auto immune diseases at once

*drink more water- (for lightheadedness) the body may be trying to throw
off toxins but cant because you're not drinking enough

*low potassium/potassium imbalance-- (shakiness in legs) eat more bananas!
drink gatorade!

I received so many emails, it was hard to summarize.... hopefully this is
adequate.... thanks so much :)

* Please carefully compose your subject lines in all posts *