A huge Amen to that Angel.

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> I don't understand.  I knew a young couple and I am sure there are many
> others as well who, one of whom, was married previously to a non catholic,
> and who availed themselves of the Pauline privilege.  This Pauline privilege
> required the couple to live and abstain from sexual contact till the former
> marriage could be properly annulled.  The couple really wanted to be married
> properly in the Catholic church so they did abstain for 6 months till they
> could have a proper marriage.  I know you aren't Catholics but I don't
> understand if your faith is strong and if you want to do the rite thing by
> yourselves and God why you can't just abstain.  I think many times we sell
> ourselves short when thinking of our capabilities and strength  God helps us
> in accomplishing all things..
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: question, problem, and prayer request.
> > Jeremy,
> >
> > Some of this varies from state to state.  In Colorado, for example, you
> > don't need to be a licensed nor ordained minister at all to perform a
> > wedding ceremony.  I performed my son and daughter-in-law's wedding almost
> > three years ago in a big church with probably 150 people coming to the
> > wedding and I'm nobody.  I was ordained many years ago but that was in a
> > Baptist denomination I have been out of for over 25 years.  Unfortunately,
> > it doesn't appear your pastor wants to work it out with you guys so we
> need
> > to come up with a plan B and that's not living together.  Even if nothing
> > happened between you, you would find yourselves disappointed later that
> you
> > made that decision.  Plus, it's no fun to keep hands off.  Well, not at
> your
> > age anyhow.  Well, not at any age.
> >
> > Phil.