Message-Id: <[]>

John wrote:
   >I would just get like a muffin fan or something and keep it blowing
   >on the radio all the time. I actually know some one who burnt up 1
   >of those radios in his car, same model on high power. Yet another
   >problem with yaesu equipment, the uhf/vhf equipment gets way too
NOt just Yaesu.  I've got a Kenwood tm-261a in my van which only has
the 270 model air conditioner, ya know, 2 windows down, 70 mph.  HERe
in Louisiana most of the time that radio is as unusable to the sighted
as it is to the blind.  You transmit and get a farting sound and no
real audio.  LEt it cool down and you can transmit actual audio again.
BViggest lemon radio I ever bought <grumble>  getting ready to buy the
xyl a little amplifier for her old Icom 02-at.
Forget the 261, I can't program the damned thing anyway, I can program
the Icom for her at least.
I'd do as John suggests, put a muffin fan on the back of that sucker
and just have it blowing all the time.

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
                                            "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--- Benjamin Franklin, NOvember 1755 from the
Historical review of Pennsylvania