Please help me ;
I have the following system :
System : Microsoft Windows XP; Home Edition 2002 ;Service Pack 2

 Hewlett -  Packard ; HP Notebook PC ; Intel ® Celeron ™ CPU ;1200 MHz ;1.20 GHz ; 240 MB of RAM.

I have Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition - antivirus and the firewall from Microsoft

A few days ago, I recovered the system on my computer and the microphone worked (I use the soft "Skype" to speak computer- to- computer).

Microsoft asked me to install the updates and at the beginning, when I installed some updates, still the microphone worked.

After the install of all Microsoft packs, my microphone didn't work anymore.I checked "sound recorder" and it didn't work and also I checked the volume of the microphone and it was clear.

If you experienced same situations like this and you have a solution to make the sound of microphone work again, please let me know.

I appreciate your help.


Nick Manolache
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