In a message dated 6/11/2005 3:08:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:
Ralph -
Next, you're gonna tell us Ruth must be looking to build her own hotel empire way up yonder so she can have spoiled brat children with porn videos for publicity, right?  Oh, and a copy of her biography in every hotel room in the drawer next to the Gideon's Bible.
- Pam
I think you're conflating the Hiltons with the Trumps.  Given what charming blonde people they are, I can see where that would happen.
Unfortunately, I am no longer related by marriage (due to being doubly disrelated by divorces) to the Hyatt Hotels and God knows what else; my ex-ex cousin-in-law's (half ?) sister just got 450 mil out of her father (the ex-ex-cousin-in-law's father, who is no longer father-in-law to Cousin Dan [not Liebeskind] The Asshole, which must be a relief for the ex-father-in-law, even if he is "down" by nearly half a billion dollars) for dropping a presumably larger claim against him that she got hosed in some sort of deal.
Instead of being envious, let's be thankful we don't have their tax worries.  Who would want a tax bill that's larger than our incomes?  For that matter, their annual taxes are probably more than our LIFETIME incomes, for that matter.  Their weekly taxes are probably greater.
Mr. Glass Half Full