crazy glue takes that urethane right off...

Met History wrote:
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Note 1 Manufacturer's claim on the two five gallon buckets of 2-part expanding urethane foam for flotation compartments that mixture expands to "30 times" original volume within 45 seconds after mixing appears to be accurate, not just exaggeration.

Note 2  When frantically scooping out wildly expanding, I-Love-Lucy overflow of urethane foam to try to save new paint job in dinghy, remember to wear gloves, unless they are 550 feet away in the basement.  

Note 3:  Scientists have not yet determined if there is any solvent for 1/4 inch dried urethane crust all over hands, but recent research has eliminated many possibilities.   

Note 4:  Sandpaper does work - but when blood starts flowing, does that mean we have reached "human sacrificial layer"?

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