On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 15:13 D L Thompson wrote:

>Thanks for your input, Lynnet.  I have the same
>experience with foods I'm sensitive to
>including the nuts).  If I start eating them,
>I don't want to stop.

The only way to eat nuts is the Palaeo way: crack each one open from the
shell when you need it, using nuts from the current season.  Don't store
them removed from their shell.  Don't buy them with the shell removed in
plastic (the oil in the nuts may draw out the phthaltes from the plastic).

Walnuts and macadamias are pretty safe in terms of omega 3 and omega 6
ratios.  Get walnuts which have not had their shells bleached (sadly most
have) the bleaching is wholly cosmetic and uses chemicals that can only
harm the nut meat.

I eat 50 - 80 of these some days when they are in the peak of their season
(late autumn). If you eat them in their natural state, there is no need to
stop before you want to. Let satiety, not guilt, tell you when you have
had enough.  Or use the instincto criterion and stop when the degree of
satisfaction drops off.  Don't use them in recipes, don't cook them, don't
mix them with other foods such as fruit.
