<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

?Information about Bleeding Tendencies
I am 59 and have had various bleeding problems for my entire adult life.  The minor ones are nosebleeds, teeth bleed, bruises especially on my arms and legs even when I haven't walked into something,  face and neck black and blue from eye to collarbone after a marble size cyst was removed from my cheek, bruises after taking Vitamin E, Fish Oil and I think Vitamin C, and huge black bruises every time blood was drawn..
Major bleeds have been 3 units of blood after a very common surgery followed by six weeks of bleeding after a hysterectomy, grapefruit size hematoma after a baby followed by surgery and more bleeding,  bleeding and loss of hearing for 6 weeks after flying to Texas and New Mexico, bright red urine after taking a minor amount of ibuprofen and another time after naproxen sodium, many mini strokes.
I saw specialists each time I had a major bleeding episode and nothing was found.
I saw a hematologist at U Mass Medical 2 years ago and he did every test he could think of and came up with nothing.
I have been gluten free except for accidental ingestion since last August and the bleeding problems seemed to have stopped until I had a miniscule amount of gluten every day for about 10 days the first week in April and couldn't figure out what I was eating.  Along with all my other symptoms returning  teeth bleeding, bruises returned for about a month.
Now the bleeding has stopped again with my gluten free diet.
I saw a GI at BIDMC last week and he wants me to eat 2 slices of bread a day for 6 weeks to do a biopsy.  I refused due to my horrible symptoms incuding diarrhea, bleeding, migraines that went along with the mini strokes and large weight loss when I eat tiny amounts of gluten as I am still 100 pounds, face and lip swelling.  He asked me to see another hematologist at BI and go along with his decision.  I will see the hematologist but do not intend to eat gluten for 6 weeks for a biopsy.  He did tell me that the bleeding is because I am not absorbing fats and thus am not absorbing fat soluble vitamins including vitamin K.
Has anyone else had bleeding problems and what would you suggest?
Thanks in advance for all of your thoughts.  I really appreciate your thoughtful information.

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