All right Rhonda.  To many blind adults rely on their sighted children. 
Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> I went to church today, and it was good. At first, I had feared that my
> ride was lost, seems I forgot to say I was the seventh house past the stop
> sign, well I didn't see that stopsign! *smile* but she found Bowers and me
> after all.
> The lady who drove me today said her daughter was the one who wanted to pick
> me up, but she had to work today, she is 17, probably someone my daughter
> Christa would know. My girls go places with me, they just don't like the
> attention created by having a guide dog! people ask questions, and you are
> certainly noticed more, you just just blend in! and I guess a part of it is
> "I'm their Mother!" and who wants to be with their Mom so very much? I like
> doing some things on my own anyway if at all possible.
> I don't want my girls to feel as though they are just drivers for me!
> Happy Mothers Day to all who are Moms
> Rhonda