On Thu, 26 May 2005 19:33:11 -0600, wayne hammons
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Your last post said they stated that 2oz = 400 calories which is what makes
>sence.  The 3.2 oz bars are twice the size of the 2 oz bars (don't even get
>me started on the math) and there is no way that the bars you have just
>received have the same calories as a quarter pound hamburger patty. I eat
>them with sunflower seeds as a meal and trust me I am not the lean cuisine
>type of guy.
>PS.enjoy your Pemmican, I received a batch yesterday afternoon and it is
>really tasty this month.
Hi Wayne --

Over the telephone, one fellow there said the 400 calories referred to the
sample (2 oz) size; on the website, it says the 3.2 oz size is 400 calories.

I'm not sure I understand your comment about the hamburger patty.  Are you
saying that a 1/4 pound hamburger patty has more or less calories than the
3.2 oz pemmican bars?

The 3.2 oz bars taste much better than the sample bars for some reason.
The texture is better too.