I have read Cordains recommendations on macronutrients and more specifically
the types of nutrients.  It reminded me of a modern prescription diet,
nothing too radical except for the ratio of macronutrients are not quite
food pyramid. It would hardly be capable of being a ketosis diet. More to
the point though is how do you estimate your macronutrient levels?  Do you
weight your portions and compare charts?  Do people keep food diaries or
some record of consumption or is there a fair amount of guess work?  I know
that researchers and authors might need to be pretty specific but is that
very common with people on this diet?

>So Cordain overdoes his protein recommendations.  I've been taking the
>difference between Rosedale and Cordain and sticking with the 20% figure
>for protein.  It's worked well for me.  As Rosedale says -- and Cordain
>seems to be unaware of -- you get much higher than that and you're simply
>converting that excess protein to glucose and storing it as fat.