Message-Id: <[]>

TOm wrote,

   >I estimate he was probably sending about 25 wpm, but I could be off
   >on that, and yep, people can send and receive faster than that!
   >Anyway, it's a great demo, and shows that the newest technology
   >isn't always the greatest in certain regards.
I've heard that in other showdowns with this the cw guys have won too
over this past week.

What amazes a local topnotch cw op and I is they got a coupkle of
contesters doing this, I'm sure that if there was any doubt at all to
the outcome had they gotten a couple of crack cw traffic handlers the
disparity between the two forms of communication for speed and
accuracy would have been even wider.

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
                                            "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--- Benjamin Franklin, NOvember 1755 from the
Historical review of Pennsylvania