Amen Kathy.  This e-church is more like a church than many I have attended.  These people here care for one another even if we can not do physical help.  We do the most powerful of all prayer.  Church is not a building but the hearts that are in or out of it.  Most churches were started in a heart, than maybe a house or field, than a building.  The building is just the container that holds the church.
Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Phil,
> The only thing that I disagree with in this post of yours is that
> we aren't a church. Oh yes we are!!! We are the best of what Christ
> intended His bride to be. I'm glad that we can support George somehow
> anyway, with our prayers. If only those buildings out there could see
> what brokenness can become in Christ, but then, I guess that they are too
> busy to notice.
> Kathy
> At 05:11 PM 4/10/2005, you wrote:
> >Kathy and others,
> >
> >The First Corinthians 5:5 passage is not generally accepted today as part of
> >New Testament church doctrine. In fact, the first time I heard about it was
> >the missionary to Canada I mentioned and he was a Baptist. I never even
> >heard any other Baptist preach on that passage before. It appears from just
> >the reading of the passage in context, that Paul was instructing the
> >Corinthian Christians what to do about the immorality of one of the church
> >members. I don't see that he necessarily told the people to tell them what
> >they were going to do but other passages, of course, tell us to do exactly
> >that before anything else. It makes little difference because few people
> >are literally afraid of God today and what sin can do to a person.
> >Deceitfulness is what hardness the person's heart, not sin, according to
> >Hebrews 3:13, but read the verse just before it, too.
> >
> >12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of
> >unbelief, in departing from the living God.
> >13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you
> >be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
> >
> >An evil heart of unbelief in a Christian? That's what it says. What are
> >they not believing in? It can't be God because it says they are Christians,
> >or brethren, so it must be something else. Jesus scolded His disciples more
> >than once for not believing and they were his followers. Jesus jumped on
> >the disciples both before, and after, the resurrection for their unbelief.
> >I still find such amazing. When we believe in something, regardless of what
> >that is, it, the thing we believe, even if it is wrong, becomes the truth to
> >us. We will act upon what we perceive to be the truth even if what we
> >believe is a lie. A person can literally die because they believe a lie is
> >the truth. some, who are not Born again, will even go to hell believing a
> >lie.
> >
> >Again, to everyone reading this exchange, I am telling you because, quite
> >frankly, we are the only church George and his family has right now. Yeah,
> >I know, we aren't really a church, if we were, I'd be taking up offerings
> >every week, but we are the Body of Christ. Truthfully, these people have no
> >one and they are all alone and without fellow Christian to help them.
> >
> >You want to know the real truth? Children can destroy a family. The Enemy
> >knows this so he picks on the children, sometimes from day one, knowing that
> >by such means, he can infiltrate any family. Frankly, I don't care where
> >George stands on any passage of Scripture but I do care where Jennifer
> >stands. right now, wherever Jennifer stands isn't where she should be
> >standing. Whatever it is that is keeping Jennifer silent until death can't
> >be anything but a lie. I can think of only three possibilities that would
> >cause someone to take death rather than life in the situation Jennifer is in
> >right now. We may never get to discover the truth about this one.
> >
> >A few moments ago, George called me. We talked for five or so minutes. He
> >told me that his wife is telling everybody her version of what happened and
> >now their own son has turned against his dad. George has been telling me
> >for weeks that if Jennifer dies, he will somehow be blamed for it so I guess
> >he knows more about what is going on than anybody else. How sad for
> >everyone involved and especially for Jennifer. As George was just talking,
> >his wife came and got him, she won't talk to him otherwise, plus, Vivian
> >hates my guts I have learned, I suppose because she thinks I have put George
> >up to everything but she is wrong, of course, and told George to come right
> >away because Jennifer nearly fainted. Jennifer can't hardly talk any longer
> >and she is, as I type, literally fighting to breathe.
> >
> >Phil.