Father in Heaven please be with Marvella and her canary.  You know how much he means to her.  Please touch and give her you peace.  In your precious name I pray Amen

Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Pat, I just prayed for all of your requests. I have a prayer request too. I
> have a canary and he's not doing good at all. I've had him for nine and a
> half years. A neighbor was down earlier to look at him and we think he might
> have had a stroke. He's not responding to anything and I don't know how much
> food and water he's been able to take in. He's been a real joy to have. I'm
> going to miss him a lot but I pray that Jesus takes him soon so he doesn't
> suffer any more. Thanks.