Hay Phil that does sound like a good idea.  She might even want to try those perminant inplants.  Of course they cost cost cost. 
Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Karen,
> A time management course would never work for my sister. My suggestion is
> that we take her teeth out, drill a small hole in either side of her uppers
> and lowers, and tie a string through the hole which would loop around her
> neck. This way, when she takes them out, she could wear them around her
> neck and know where they are at all times. You see, they don't fit well so
> my sister takes them out all of the time and anywhere and everywhere. Why
> doesn't she go back to where she purchased them to have them refitted so
> they are comfortable to wear? We all have been asking that questions for
> years. She says she is too busy. I wish I had a nickel for every hour we
> spent praying and looking for her teeth. Once she lost them for a week.
> Her husband found them at the church school she was the principal at under
> some papers on a shelve.
> Phil.