Lelia glad you are back
Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi all, I first want to appologize because I did a mass delete so I know I
> missed a few emails.
> I want to first welcome the newest member I think its Lauren? Sorry if I
> got it wrong.
> Second Mar congrats on your granddaughter that is awesome. hugs
> Kathy I seee your having a bit of girl trouble with your son I will pray.
> Hey!!!!! Phil and Sandy? Did you think I'd dropped off the face of the
> earth? I am back finished dog sitting wow what a chore that was slept on a
> bed on the floor a twin bed had no chairs and had to order out each night
> because our food was here.
> But all is well and I am back.
> I missed you all.
> hugs
> Ned are you staying out of trouble/ I hope so grin but I know your not grin
> Lelia Struve email [log in to unmask] msn [log in to unmask]