<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Folks
I am just back from my trip to Portugal. A few people wrote and told me  that 
they had no problem eating there. The food tends to be mostly grilled fish  
so it is pretty easy to eat there. One person sent me to a site where I was 
able  to get a list of the dos and don'ts of out diet in Portuguese, which I have 
cut  and  pasted here:
Por ordem médica é rigorosamente proibido para mim comer quaisquer produtos  
derivados de trigo, centeio, cevada ou aveia, inclouindo qualquer comida 
panada  ou espessada com farinha.
Posso, no entato, comer milho, arroz, batatas,  legumes, carne, etc. e também 
sopas e molhos esspessados com maisena ou farinha  de batatas.
Obrigado !
I had this laminated at my local Xerox place and found it most helpful  when 
Portugal was warm and wonderful and the Portuguese we met very  friendly and 
helpful. A good place to travel. 

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*