<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was diagnosed with CD over 2 years ago.   I found out I was also casein
intolerant over a year ago.  Once I went casein free in addition to gluten
free, I quickly began feeling much, much better.  When ill, I had extreme
fatigue to the point where I would become exhausted from walking from one
side of the house to the other.  By last summer I had returned to walking an
hour a day (not as fast as I used to, but I thought that would come with
time).  But, I've battled fatigue, to a much lesser degree, since then.  In
fact, I had a bout of extreme fatigue from 1/26 -2/11.  I was sure from how
i felt that I had anemia again and began taking iron.  Bloodwork confirmed
that I was anemic.  The iron seems to be helping, I feel much better now.
Although i still need a minimum of 10 hours of sleep to get through the next
day.  I realize that iron begins relieving symptoms 1 month after you begin
taking it, so I will probably feel better and better over the next 4 weeks
or so.

---B12 Deficiency:
“the US standard for a "normal" B12 level is the lowest in the world.
Roughly 280 to 900 is considered normal here, but the rest of the countries
with first world quality medicine consider 500 to 1300 to be normal. So if
you don't know your exact level, and the doctor just said "normal" you might
go back and ask what the number was. My first doctor said my level of 286
was "fine" even though I had a whole list of symptoms of deficiency. Second
doctor told me to take supplements and keep the level at least 500 - doing
that made a huge difference in my quality of life.  Here's an NIH report on
it: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitaminb12.asp”
“Anemia can also becaused by B12.  Solgar has a B100 complex in veggie cap
that is gluten, corn & soy free.  My daughter is very sensitive and also
casein intolerant, and she tolerates it well.”

---Sjogren’s Syndrom:  “I would suggest you might want to check out
Sjogren's Syndrome at www.dry.org  Sjogren's is the most common of the
autoimmune diseases, yet, like celiac, no one's heard of it much. Many
celiacs have Sjogren's. One of the symptoms is having periods of extreme
fatigue. I can say that since I got so sick from celiac, I've battled the
fatigue off and on---and I am very strict about avoiding gluten. Also, my gp
told me upon seeing all of my tests and conditions-- hypothyroid, cd, and
possible Sjogren's-- that in auto-immune diseases battling iron anemia is
common. Shoot, who would have thought? Even those with Sjogren's have
trouble. I'm taking iron again, too, and feeling better.”

---SAD:  “The dates you associated with fatigue make me think of Seasonal
Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). I've battled seasonal fatigue that I call the
"deep" fatigue, worsening each winter for a period of about 10 years...
until I started light treatments and felt better within a few days...  I
also began keeping a log of my light exposure, both natural and artificial…
I bought lamps from Apollo. Here is a link to the Apollo site:
---MY REPLY:  No, I don't think SAD is my problem.  I get the bouts of 'deep
fatigue' year-round.  They come and they go, but my energy levels haven't
returned to normal since my last celiac episode began in the summer of 2001.

---Unknown source of continuing fatigue:  “Don't be so sure it will solve
all your problems.  I've been on thyroid replacement since 1992.  I didn't
start expressing my Celiac symptoms until 1995, and did not go GF until
1997.  My fatigue has been progressive despite seeing an endocrinologist,
and avoiding gluten eggs, aspartame, and casein has not seemed to help much.
  I can't quite seem to get it across to my doctors that, at 58, I'd like to
be working, but am unable to sustain activity for 8 hours, or even be on my
feet for a third of that time (I am an RN).”

---It can take years to recover from CD:  “On the side, I've had quite a
struggle with additional food sensitivities, anemia, extreme fatigue
especially after any exercise, electrolyte imbalances, low blood sugar, etc;
but after three years I'm actually starting to feel NORMAL!!!!!  I have
energy - I can make it through the day without a nap or caffeine! I have
muscle strength I've never had before!  Anyway, just want to let you know
that it's quite possible that you're still healing, and YOU'll just get
better and better!!”

“You need protein for energy.  Check out http://www.mercola.com.  I have
found that the correct diet is paramount to achieving good health and
increasing energy.“

“Do you take GF vitamins as well? They really helped me to zoom back to my
former energy levels that I was used to. Make sure when you go back to work
that you take some good GF snacks, like an apple or pear, with you during
the day in addition to your lunch to help you get through the day for hunger
and stress. I always walk a treadmill after work to get rid of the stress so
that I'm ready for a sensible dinner and decent sleep.”

I saw a difference in my fatigue with B12 also and with my multiple vitamin.
  So what I am saying is, don't assume that there aren't many things out
there that will help.

“I encourage you to go for this job. What has helped me the most with
dealing with fatigue is working to change my attitude/thoughts, and keeping
happy. I practice affirmations religiously.”

“She also takes Solgar bonemeal w/ B12.  The phosphate in it has helped her
bone density and she says gives her more energy.  It couldn't hurt and it
helped her.  We have been learning in biology (homeschooling) that energy is
a phosphate molecule ATP (3phosphates) which releases a phosphate with
energy and forms ADP (2phosphate molecules).  Solgar uses palm and coconut
instead of soy in any product with stearates or stearic acid.  I spent much
time on the phone with the QC manager.”

ACETYL L-Carnitine is one of those.

I also take NADH and it is great for my fatigue, but very expensive.  I take
15 mg/day and it is about 50cents/5mg.  However, I could not do without this
one at all.  I had high serotonin in my urine, and I am told that this
addresses that problem (I think that the problem is specifically that my
body dumps serotonin and I have too little in my brain).

I also saw some help with CoQ10 and with an electrolyte drink.  It is
interesting that the electrolyte drink also helps with a number of other
problems I was still having--feeling faint, especially when it is hot, skin
and nail problems.....  The COQ10 also did wonders with my ability to think

I have read also where alpha lipoic acid and conjugated linoleic acid helps
some people, but I tried these and they do not help me.

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