I suspect that you could not format because the version of dos on your
floppy was older than the version current at the time 2000 was loaded.  You
probably need a newer boot disk.

You might try doing an FDISK and deleting the partitions then putting them
back and then format.

The symptoms you observe are consistent with a hard drive problem, in my
experience, but you never know.

Dean Kukral

----- Original Message -----
From: DJ DeWitt
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:17 PM
Subject: [PCBUILD] Blue Screen

Hello Members,

I agreed to help my Daughter out with a computer
problem she is experiencing but I soon found out that
I need someone with a lot more knowledge than I have.

When you turn the power on there are several minutes
of black screen and the hum of the hard drive. Next
after that long delay there is a very quick flash on
the screen with a large Intel logo that reveals "Intel
work station board" along the bottom.
After another long wait, Windows 2000 starts to boot
up but before completion the screen turns blue with
the message: "STOP: Inaccessable_Boot_Device". With a
floppy I was able to run a virus check and I ran
chkdsk /f which found nothing. By hitting the F8 key
during the boot-up you are able to choose several
boot-up options. I tried them all with no success.
Because there is nothing of importance on the hard
drive I put in a DOS floppy and typed in the FORMAT C:
command. Don't remember exactly what that message said
here but I believe it was something about not having
the right version of DOS. Don't know anything about
the computer other then it is running Win 2000. No
brand name on the Box. I would appreciate any
suggestions as to getting this thing up and running

Thank you
Don DeWitt from NJ

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