<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for contacting us about Halls.  Your comments and inquiries are
appreciated because they provide valuable feedback about our brands.

We do have products that are Gluten Free and we are regulated by the FDA, which at
this time does not require gluten/or gluten free to be listed .

Gluten Free products are listed below:


We appreciate you contacting us and hope you will continue to enjoy our brands.


Consumer Relations


-----Original Message-----

From:  [log in to unmask]
Sent:  2/13/2005 7:42:51 PM
To:  [log in to unmask]
Subject:  CF Ingredients / Allergens

Type of Request: CF Ingredients / Allergens

Age Group: 25-34
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Comments: I am writing to inquire as to the gluten free status of your products. I was wondering about all of your products but it made me select one. I was very upset to here that there was gluten in Halls and its not labeled. I have been giving them to my celiac husband for awhile now and I feel that this is very dangerous that the gluten in the sweetener is not listed on the label so I would like to know what other products are gluten free and what are not. Thank you in advance for you time and undersantding on this very serious health issue.
Hillary Hayward Sanders

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