>From: Kristina Carlton <[log in to unmask]>

>I just had about 6 oz of a boneless pork chop, 2 slices of bacon, and 4
>cups of finely chopped, raw zucchini mixed with the juices that cooked out
>of the pork (I made it in the crockpot) and I am still hungry. I had an
>equal amount for breakfast. Doesn’t that sound like enough food? Yet I
>could eat another amount of food equal to that. I am 5’ 8” and weigh 135
>lbs. I lift weights 3 times per week and do a cardio 3 times per week.
>Occasionally I do 20 to 40 minutes of Pilates. This morning I lifted
>weights, did abs, and stretched which took me 55 minutes.

>Thoughts, comments?

My first thought was that hey, I'm a woman that's 5'8".  Back when I was in
my late 20's I got down to 137 lbs because of some personal problems and
concerned friends started to ask me if I was sick or becoming anorexic.  I
did not look good.  I'm wondering why you don't just eat until you're not
hungry.  I don't pay a lot of attention to how much I eat. I was 35 lbs
overweight when I started with this woe.  I ate and ate and the wt. just
seemed to fall off.   I sometimes eat a whole lot and others I eat very
little.  But if I notice that I seem to feel hungry a lot, I increase my fat
intake by a lot.  Getting plenty of fat, natural animal fat is quite
important on this low carb diet.  I see new posters ask about this pretty
regularly.  They want to go low carb and low fat too.  Why?  It sounds like
they are still afraid of saturated fat.  It seems to me the whole point for
us paleos is that eating animal products (minus dairy) is good for us.
The nature of some of the comments/questions I see here make me wonder if
they may have eating disorders.
Best wishes, Cas