<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi. I am a Celiac with Type I Diabetes and wear an insulin pump.  I use to
eat jellybeans when my blood sugar was getting low.  Now I must have an
intolerance to something in them.  I can't handle them any more.  I use to
eat marshmallows, but they contain gelatin.  Gelatin contains gluten.  So I
have gotten off marshmallows.  Now I drink CapriSun All Natural Juice.  But
I would be happy to find something low-fat and GF to carry around with me to
EAT.  Juice is a little inconvenient to carry around.  Are there any GF
candies that are also low-fat?  Also, are there any GF marshmallows out
there?  Can anyone help this diabetic find something that would help--I jog
and sometimes want something more than a glucose tablet.     Diane

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