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Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

Please forward this to your family and friends!

Dear Karen,
Four Christians in Philadelphia, PA, are facing 47 years in prison and fines up to $90,000 each. Their crime? They were reading from the Bible and sharing the Gospel on a public sidewalk. They stood up to protect their rights—and ours—and now they are being punished for exercising those rights.

They were charged with eight crimes, including three felonies: possession of instruments of crime (a bullhorn), ethnic intimidation (saying that homosexuality is a sin), and inciting a riot (reading from the Bible some passages relating to homosexuality) despite the fact that no riot occurred.

This is an example of pro-homosexual officials using the law to silence Christians who speak the truth about homosexuality. The American Family Association Center for Law and Policy has agreed to represent the Philadelphia 4 at no cost. In addition, we are encouraging Christians nationwide to send the Philadelphia 4 a "Thank You" letter of encouragement. They need to know they are appreciated and aren’t standing alone. The letter reads:

Just a note to say thanks for taking a stand to protect your First Amendment rights—and mine.

There are, no doubt, some difficult days ahead. I will be praying for you. Your actions will encourage many, many others to take a bold stand in this battle.
Click here to send your thank you letter of encouragement. We will compile the list and present it to the Philadelphia 4 in person.

Ask members in your church to go on line and sign the thank you letter. They can sign the letter by visiting, top center of the page. Pastors need to encourage every member to email the thank you letter. Put the email address in your church bulletins and newsletters.

There is so much more about this case I don’t have room to put in this letter. We have prepared a 25-minute VHS/DVD in which two AFA-CLP attorneys discuss the case in detail.

When we made the VHS/DVD available last week, so many people tried to order it that our system quit working. We have corrected that problem.

If possible, please help AFA with our expenses in representing these committed Christians. With your tax-deductible gift of $15 or more, we will send your choice of either the VHS or DVD. Watch the VHS/DVD, then share it with your Sunday School class and church. Every Christian in America should see and hear the information on this VHS/DVD. What has happened is a travesty of justice.

Click here to get your copy of The Philadelphia 4 Story.

Thanks for caring enough to get involved. Please help get the word out by forwarding this to a friend.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. If you don't want to order The Philadelphia 4 Story but simply want to make a donation, Click Here.

It's Not Gay: This 28-minute video presents a story that few have heard, allowing former homosexuals the opportunity to tell their own story in their own words. Along with medical and mental health experts, these individuals express a clear warning that the sanitized version of homosexuality being presented to students is not the whole truth.

Spiritual Heritage Tours - Tours of Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon with an emphasis on America's Christian heritage, led by AFA president Tim Wildmon and AFR general manager Marvin Sanders.

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