Message-Id: <[]>

nu7i wrote:
   >Hi Richard.
   >Yes indeed on the accessibility.  I can't fault Handiham though.  I
   >attended one of their Radio Camps and they provided me some lender
   >radio gear to get started.  I think that Handiham is actually an
   >excellent organization and my pushing for greater real
   >accessibility has nothing to do with blaming them. -----
True, as I've said I know some folks who work as volunteers at their
radio camps and they do good work.

IT's not just handihams I pick on with regard to this, it's any
organization which reaches out to the "disabled" community.  Note
disabled is in quotes in case your screen reader didn't tell you as I
don't consider myself all that disabled thank you very much.

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
                                            "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin, NOvember 1755 from the
Historical review of Pennsylvania