Jim Swayze wrote:

>Todd > I don't think I'm the only one, which is why I doubt there is any "rule" discernible concerning the effect of paleo on cholesterol
>At least 90% of the people who have made posts to this list have reported marked improvements in cholesterol.  And I've seen nothing to contradict the idea that it's *precisely* the shift to paleo that's responsible for those sometimes near miraclous improvements in lipid profiles.  That's scientific enough for me given the current state of what goes for science in the greater world out there.
>Do you have evidence to the contrary?
Of a sort.  I've found, by peeking in on various diet/nutrition sites
over the years, that people on all sorts of diets trumpet spectacular
improvements in lipid profiles.  It's quite common among nonpaleo
lowcarb dieters, for example, although there are always some for whom it
doesn't work.  But I've seen the same claims about the South Beach diet,
the blood type diet, weight watchers, and so on.  It's pretty well
established that for many people, weight loss itself brings about an
improvement in insulin sensitivity, and that may be sufficient to cause
lipid improvements.  So I consider it an open question whether the paleo
diet causes any special lipid improvement.

Todd Moody
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