All right Praise the Lord.  You go George.  Keep trusting in the Lord and his might.  I know my faith has a long way to go.  But I like George's faith.  That is how it works.  Just believe. 
Jesus made peace between God and man by dying in our place.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Well, George called me a little while ago. He had to leave the hospital and
> drive the hundred miles to his home today because he had to pay some bills
> and he had an appointment with the mental health counselor. Last week,
> George called me from the hospital in Tulsa one afternoon and told me that
> the Lord had told him that the Prozac was going to go. He didn't tell
> George when but George believed the truth of God's Word concerning this and
> forgot about it until today. The counselor took him off the Prozac today.
> It sounds like God to me.
> Phil.