Hi guys,
I have the following problem,Iwanted to add more memory to my pc
it had 1 stick of 256 sdram,I have bought 2 sticks of 256 pc2100ddr,the
problem is when i put the new ram in the pc boots up then i get a funny muzzy
pc screen.
I took the ddr sticks out and put back in the sdram nad it works .
So could any one advise me on what i have done wrong?.
Do i need to do anything in the bios?.
Iwent to crucials web site and got a list of compatible ram and it lists the
ram i bought.
My motherboard is made by elite group model number P4VMM2 (VER 5).
In the manual it says the board has 2 banks of ddr and 2 banks of sdram.
My pc is running xp sp2, the processor is a celeron 2ghz.
If you need more information just say the word,
Thanks in advance for your help
dave colbo

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