I hope someone out there can help.  Have any of you paleos seen an
improvement in blood pressure since going paleo?  My non-paleo hubby (50,
normal weight, exercise fanatic)just came back this morning after being
rejected for a blood drive because of elevated blood pressure.  This has
never happened before.  The reading was 132 over 104.  (How serious is
that??) He eats a mixed diet, plenty of animal protein but also tons of
refined foods.  His job is active plus he exercises vigorously (too
vigorously in my view) every day: alternates between high intesity interval
cardio ie sprinting up hills etc on certain days and weight training
(HEAVY) on others.  This keeps his weight normal in spite of his diet.  I
am so worried -- but if any paleos had their bp helped by eating in a paleo
style, perhaps this would convince him to change his diet. Any thoughts
would be most appreciated -- this really scares me.