The heart palpitations are a symptom of a larger underlying autonomic
cross-wiring.  When I first began to get the palpitations, I had lots of
fancy tests done, including a lot of bloodwork, and all my levels of various
elements (especially K and Mg) and my thyroid were all well within normal
ranges.  I think it is something I will just have to live with, but I had
hoped to lessen the effects.  Also, thanks a lot for those cholesterol links!


>> 3. .... I am hoping that perhaps it will just take a short time for
>> my body to get itself in order, but I was under the impression that the
>> palpitations were a rather immediate response.  Maybe I should eat
>> less fruit?
>Have you had your thyroid values checked? Low thyroid, even not
>terribly low, can cause palpitations. I had them long after going
>Paleo, and they are completely gone on thyroid meds. But quitting carbs
>should help a lot, and yes, it could take a while for your pancreatic
>and hormonal stuff to readjust.