Hi Guys,
Sorry that I’ve been so silent lately. It has been a little crazy around
our house. Chris skipped school yesterday and I had to keep the computer
off so that he couldn’t use it. Our computer is pass word protected, but
I was alone with him yesterday and I was afraid that He might come in and
commandeer the thing while I was on it so the easiest thing to do was
just keep it off so that neither of us could use it. He couldn’t force me
to type a pass word after all.
Life was interesting in other ways as well yesterday. When Chris would
begin to get aggressive with me I would either quote scripture or just
begin praying out loud about the situation and it would send him into
retreat mode. Oh, he would laugh at me, but it was an interesting day,
watching God fight my battles for me.
Anyway, Guys, we need to find some paper work before tomorrow’s meeting
with the probation officer. It is so strange because both Greg and I held
the necessary paperwork in our hands on Friday. We were collecting
important documents that needed to be taken up to church so that we could
make copies to hand over to the probation officer and they have just
disappeared. I don’t think that Chris had anything to do with it. He
doesn’t know about the meeting and I don’t think that he would have
attached any value to what we are looking for since he isn’t tuned in
very well that way. Anyway, please pray that we find these documents.
We went in to talk to the vice principle of Chris’s school this morning
to let him know what’s going on. I feel that we are building a really
good coalition of support, but the stress is a bit hard for me to take at
times. Last night, I thought that I was still wide awake, but then, Caleb
asked me to lay down next to him as he was drifting off to sleep and it
felt like a weight came down on me and I was instantly exhausted and
could barely move. It was kind of strange.
Well, enough about us. Please know that I’m praying for you guys too even
if I’m not a very great responder at present. Sometimes, I can’t even
think straight. My memory, which used to be so good, is shot and there
are times when I just pray to make it through the next minute. God always
gets me through though. I am learning so much about leaning on him it is
just incredible. What is that song, Learning to lean, lerning to lean,
I’m learning to lean on Jesus. Finding more power than I ever knew. I’m
learning to lean on Jesus.
Have a blessed day guys. It’s snowing here and a lady and church found a
used piano on sale at an antique shop in down town Bangor. Greg just left
to see if he can bargain with the seller so that Liz and I might have a
piano for Christmas! What a blessing if it happens.
Crazy Kathy, finally signing off probably about three paragraphs further
than she should have!
I love you guys!

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