<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here is the (favorable) response I got from Santa Barbara Olives.  Over the
last ten years I've gotten pretty good at communicating all my needs from a
company: not just gluten in the ingredients, but also in outsourced
ingredients and in manufacturing.  I also let this company know that many
celiacs do not consider grain-derived alcohols and vinegars to be gluten
free, although this is a matter of personal choice.

Response and the rep's info so you can follow up if you need:

        Thank you for taking the time to write us inquiring about our
olives.  You will be delighted to know that all of our olives are gluten
free.  We use apple cider vinegar to cure our olives along with sea salt.
The only products that we carry that contain gluten are our pasta sauces and
salsas, which is unfortunate.  However our olives are never near these
products prior to packaging.  Please feel free to enjoy our gluten free
olives!  If you have any more questions do not hesitate to contact us via
email or direct at 800-624-4896.


Allison Day
Santa Barbara Olive Company
(805)562-1464 fax
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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