Lord I pray that you give Carolyn an perfect healing.  Let her your power and might.  In your precious name I pray amen
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------

> Dear Loving EChurch Family,
> Please continue to pray for my dear friend Carolyn Rhodes. She has
> Carsinoma cancer in the lung. There's another word that goes with it, but I
> can't remember what it is. Sandy, I'm sure you will know what I'm talking
> about. This is stage 4 cancer.
> They believe it has spread to many areas of her body. She also has bone
> cancer in her back and spine. She is in a lot of pain, and the pain
> medication makes her very nosiated. She often can't keep anything down. You
> know for diabetics, that isn't cool and can be very dangerous.
> Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Her sister Billie, is a Born
> Again Christian, and she believes that Carolyn will be healed.
> Billie has been spending every day with her, and then she goes home at night.
> Carolyn was so ill today she was not able to go to her appointment to see
> the oncologist.
> They will have a meeting Monday with all the doctors involved, and with her
> Brother-in-law, Tom who is also a doctor. They will deside at that time,
> what course of treatment she'll need first.
> Please keep her in your prayers. Billie believes in the power of prayer.
> Please pray for Carolyn's faith to grow.
> Thanks for praying.
> Please pass this on to all Christian lists.
> Thanks.
> Love and Blessings,
> Pat Ferguson