All that is precious and true. 
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------

> Wow, Phil, that was powerful! Thanks for sharing that.
> I would like to share an experience I had a few years ago. One evening, I
> was going to the kitchen and I heard a voice telling me to go and get my
> Canary out of his cage and hold him. This was something I did frequently and
> he would let me. I got him out of his cage and was sitting on the couch
> talking to him. I told him he was one of God's special little creatures and
> his head went back and he died right in my hand. He was the only bird I had
> at that time and there was a special bond there. I feel that God wanted me
> to find him that way instead of finding him later at the bottom of the cage.
> Praying that everyone has a blessed Sunday.