Well Kathy he will lower the boom to open Chris's eyes.  Like the word says spare rod and spoil the child.  He probably should have spent a night in jail to let him think.  He probably thinks he can get away with things because has been rescued again.

Dear Lord,  Help Kathy to know she in not a bad Mom.  Help her to know what to do.  Protect her and give her your peace.  You only give good mother's children.  In your precious name I pray Amen
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> HI Everybody,
> Well, here we go again. Guess what Chris did last night! He and two
> friends broke into our church and were running around the sanctuary with
> some toy guns that Chris had made. Guess how we found out? The police
> called us around 2:00 am. This morning. Greg had to go up to our church.
> He let the two friends go because Greg doesn’t think that they would have
> thought of doing something like this without Chris’s influence. I don’t
> mean that they were totally innocent, I just mean that they wouldn’t have
> thought of using the church as a play ground without Chris because only
> Chris knows how to break in. Anyway, Chris was belligerent. The police
> threatened to arrest him if Chris didn’t sign the court summons. Now Greg
> and I have to let the church know about all this because they should have
> some say in who gets charged as well.
> Guys, I woke up this morning, after very little sleep, and I just started
> crying to God. I am so ashamed of the mockery that Chris made of the
> sanctuary last night.
> Also, I have to be alone with Chris today. The younger kids have school
> today, but Chris is off. Greg has to take the car in for repares and if
> he can’t get a loaner, I’m stuck. I’d go with Greg, but Chris’s friends
> have developed the habit of popping in unannounced and I don’t trust
> them.
> Oh Guys, please pray me through this latest one. Thank you so much for
> being there for me. Now Chris is starting to mess with the things of God.
> Am I a rotten mother for wanting God to lower the boom swiftly? I don’t
> like grace very much right now.
> Kathy
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