
I'm installing a new motherboard and when I try to load win98 I get the following message after the second or third restart:  While initializing device NDIS: Windows protection error.  You need to restart your computer.  And of course when I restart I get the same message again.  The power supply is brand new and rated at 450w.  The motherboard is an Intel 865GBFL with an Intel 2.8 cpu with their heatsink and fan.  I have one stick of 512 PC2700 ram.  I have a Radeon 9200 AGP video card installed also.  There is one other weird thing happening and that is when I put in a boot floppy and my Win98se disk the machine tells me that I need a microsoft windows disk.  When I use my Win98 disk there is no problem up until I get the error message.  I'm going to open the box back and strip out the video card, modem, and sound card and recheck all the connections and jumper settings and try again.  If anyone has any ideas they would be appreciated right now.  Thanks.


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