I know it seems ruff right now and it is but keep your eyes upon Jesus.  I have been laid off for over two years.  My house payments are 925.00 and about 500 in bills plus those nasty little crdit cards. My income right now is 701.00.  Jesus promised me I would not loose my house and he always keeps his promises.  If he care about a little sparrow falling from a tree, and know the number of hairs on our heads.  You know he cares about you.  Just tell him and he will take it all and answer all your prayers.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Ben went to the eye doctor today, he has cataracts on both eyes! and damage
> to the back of both eyes, they will need to do some lazer treatments before
> they can remove the cataracts! the first treatment is next Tuesday!
> we are still concerned about his job...
> all those what if thoughts are trying to invade.
> what if... he looses his job, what about insurance for all this medication,
> and for the eye treatments and lazer surgery,
> and what will we do,
> Ben is having trouble seeing now, he has to get up close to a computer
> screen,
> I am trying to be positive, but I am not doing too well,
> he seems to worried, I didn't go in with him so am not really sure what the
> doctor actually said,
> pray for us,
> thanks!
> Rhonda