I agree but don't let my King M&M know I agree.  He might puty me out.  Of course he is right here on my desk making sure I get through all my e-mails and I answer them correctly.  He does not know what I am typing right now because he is asleep.  I better send this before he wakes up.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Oh Helen,
> You should see the way Darius struts about the place. I think that we
> could have gotten a three story mansion and it still would have been just
> a lowly domain for him. He's very happy that we've agreed to move up in
> the world, but he probably wishes that we had gotten a more cream colored
> carpet, in keeping with his fur color, rather than the gray that we ended
> up with, but really, humans should be allowed a few choices in life!
> (GRIN!) Don't you think?
> Kathy, humble subject of King Darius
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