You are right Kathy and also like it says in the word.  Christian will know and know the signs of Jesus coming and we will not be surprised by it.  We await the return of Jesus and he will give us the decernment we need to know the counterfit.  And Like you said Kathy.  Cast your eyes upon Jesus, and all these earthly things will pass away.
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Kathy, I agree completely with your last paragraph here!!
> Helen
> Earlier, Kathy Du Bois wrote:
> >Hi Jen,
> > Well, in my opinion, since it is from Carrey, I wouldn't worry
> >about it too much because he'll probably say something completely
> >different in front of a different audiance. I've personally begun to
> >wonder, however if Sadam is the anti-Christ. After all, he has suffered
> >a sort of mortal blow by being taken out of power the way that he has.
> >He was definitely humiliated in the way that he was taken into custody,
> >but he isn't dead, which means that he could still be a figure in play in
> >world events. I remember hearing a story in the news a way back in which
> >Sadam had said that he would use the electoral process in Iraq, to
> >regain his power. Plus the fact that the ten nations of the original
> >Roman empire have reconnected, in an economic sense at least, and the
> >Muslim population in those countries is really growing, which says to me
> >that it isn't far fetched to think that those nations would eventually
> >be attracted to n Arab leaderr such as Sadam to govern the nations as a
> >whole.
> >
> > As far as guessing who the Anti-Christ is, however, who knows.
> >I've heard Christians insist that Bush is the anti-Christ as well. It
> >seems that every leader that comes into view is considered by somebody
> >for the position. I think that we just need to stay focused on Jesus,
> >the real thing, like Peter, walking on the water, and let Him work out
> >the raging storm around us.
> >God bless,
> >Kathy
> >
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