You are correct on all part loving Pat.
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------

> John, Helen and Everyone,
> Just as God loves us unconditionally, he wants us to love others
> unconditionally, and that means passing along those lovings and squeezings!
> All the time! Loving! Loving!loving! and more lovings! Yes, it may sound
> silly, but it really isn't when you stop and think about it. There is
> nothing more beautiful in the world than love! and God's love for us!
> I kept what you wrote, John, and I am going to pass it on to others.
> In God's loving us, he is also forgiving us for our sins, but I always
> think it's good to ask for forgiveness, and it's like apologizing to God
> for what we did wrong.
> I'll give you an example.
> One night last week, I got upset with VErnon because he had left his dirty
> clothes on the flloor in the bathroom. I told him I wasn't going to pick
> them up and that he had to pick them up. God instantly spoke to me and told
> me that was wrong of me to do. He told me that it is my job as a wife to
> Vernon to pick up after him. I thought about it, and I prayed about it. I
> asked God for forgiveness and I did apologize for not being loving. I also
> apologized to VErnon and asked for his forgiveness. I told him that God
> told me I was wrong and why. Vernon told me that we are suppose to take
> care of each other and not complain about it. He was so very right.
> I will pick up his dirty clothes now, and I will not complain about it. I'm
> praising God that He let me know this.
> It seems like the lessons we learn from God are endless and I'm learning
> many lessons this year. I'm also praising God with each lesson He teaches me.
> So once again! You are all precious and sweet and made out of love, full of
> love, and so very loving! lol.
> Love and Blessings,
> Pat Ferguson
> At 06:10 PM 10/1/04, you wrote:
> >Helen, surely, these are wonderful verses. People don't realize that God
> >has forgiven them for all sins, past, present and future. And, people
> >don't forgive themselves. Aren't you glad he said, the East is from the
> >west, and not the North is from the South? The Lord said, in Jeremiah 31:3:
> >
> >Jer 31:3 The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, [saying], Yea, I have
> >loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I
> >drawn thee.
> >
> >God can't love us any more than he already does, today. And there is
> >nothing that we can do to make Him stop loving us. As the verse said, an
> >everlasting love. And, if that isn't enough, read ?Romans Chapter
> >8:35-39. If you will allow these truths into your life, I promise you,
> >they will affect your life. You will grow in your Christian life move
> >forward with confidence and without fear and start loving people
> >unconditionally, as God loves us, no matter how they treat you. That
> >reminds me of another verse:
> >
> >Eph 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
> >another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
> >
> >Here is another that came up in my search for the other.
> >
> >Col 3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man
> >have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also [do] ye.
> >
> >Start to realize just how much, God has forgiven you, and you will be able
> >to start forgiving people for what they have done to you.
> >
> >earlier, Helen, wrote:
> > >Failure and Success: Paralysis From Past Mistakes
> > >
> > >For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward
> > >those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He
> > >removed our transgressions from us. --Psalm 103:11-12
> > >
> > >Do not let any of the things of the world or past mistakes paralyze your
> > >hearts. I believe there are Christians who have allowed some of their past
> > >mistakes to paralyze them. You were so bright and cheerful in your
> > >spiritual life once, and then you made some tragic mistake or had something
> > >happen to you. You got out of it somehow, and prayed and wept your way out
> > >of it. But it did something to you, and now you cannot lick it. Past wrongs
> > >that have been done to you, past failures, times you thought you were going
> > >to win and did not, or present sins or discouragement-these things are not
> > >mental at all. They are deeper than that; they are subconscious, and they
> > >prevent us from believing.
> > >
> > >I most urgently exhort you, and I trust God Almighty to deliver you; to
> > >sponge that out of your spirit; to sponge that out of your heart so you are
> > >not hindered by unbelief. Rut, Rot or Revival: The Condition of the Church,
> > >pp. 162-163
> > >
> > >"Lord, I'm surely not the only one who desperately needs this reminder this
> > >morning. So many of us struggle with past sins, failures, or hurts. I pray
> > >for all of my fellow-servants who need deliverance, who need to have the
> > >past sponged out of their spirits and hearts. Amen."
> >
> >John
> >
> > Ifyoucanreadthisyouspendtoomuchtimefiguringouttaglines